Thursday, 9 July 2009

The Future of Loampit Vale Development

Just preparing for my selection interview for the Lewisham Central Ward and I was rembering my days in the Council one of many issues that crossed my way. One of them was the Loampit Vale development which will feature the new leisure centre and housing in the area. The main controversy at the time was the swimmping pool.

I remember the outrage that was poured on the plans, namely by the Save Ladywell Pool campaign which kept me sane in many a dark days ( ask Sam, she will tell you!), about the proposal that we need to have a 50m pool if we are going to encourage more children to go into swimming ( sidenote, i recall London doesn't have many Olympic size swimming pools and swimming take up is low, particularly in Lewisham). But the contractors and council had their day and i suppose its better than nothing.

I was looking through the press and saw the article about calls to scrap the Loampit scheme as it will create another 'Croydon'. What does that mean? Reading further on, at a public meeting in Lewisham methodist church last month, people were complaining that they didn't want highrises as it would blight the area. 3 people were quoted in the article.
I say to these 3 people, lets meet up sometime and have a chat. I believe it provides a hell of a lot of opportunities to the area and its important that you are part of that discussion making sure we create a Lewisham town Centre to be proud of.

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