I remember the outrage that was poured on the plans, namely by the Save Ladywell Pool campaign which kept me sane in many a dark days ( ask Sam, she will tell you!), about the proposal that we need to have a 50m pool if we are going to encourage more children to go into swimming ( sidenote, i recall London doesn't have many Olympic size swimming pools and swimming take up is low, particularly in Lewisham). But the contractors and council had their day and i suppose its better than nothing.
I was looking through the press and saw the article about calls to scrap the Loampit scheme as it will create another 'Croydon'. What does that mean? Reading further on, at a public meeting in Lewisham methodist church last month, people were complaining that they didn't want highrises as it would blight the area. 3 people were quoted in the article.
I say to these 3 people, lets meet up sometime and have a chat. I believe it provides a hell of a lot of opportunities to the area and its important that you are part of that discussion making sure we create a Lewisham town Centre to be proud of.
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